Net-Inspect publication message 'Server was unable to process Request...'?

'Server was unable to process request.---> String or Binary data would be truncated'

This article discusses Net-Inspects field limits and the error messages you may receive when you exceed the number of characters allowed in the specified field (see screenshot). InspectionXpert data fields can support a large number of characters, but if you export to Net-Inspect, the field character limits are smaller. This character limit also includes spaces.



You can set the InspectionXpert character limits to match those of Net-Inspect.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Go to the 'Home' tab
  • Select 'Options'
  • Go to 'Application Options'
  • Select 'Net-Inspect'
  • Go to 'General'
  • Select 'Enforce Net-Inspect Data Field Sizes'
  • Select 'Appy'
  • 'Select 'OK'

The text limit will prevent any excess text from exporting to Net-Inspect. In some fields exceeding the character maximum will prevent the upload to Net-Inspect. When the field character limits are enforced, you cannot enter more text than the field limit allows manually.

What are the character limits set out by Net-Inspect?

Below is a list of these fields and their associated character limits:

Net-Inspect Form 1    
Project Properties tab    
Field Name  Notes Number of Characters Net-Inspect allows
Part Number Corresponds to field 1 100
Part Name Corresponds to field 2 250
Serial Number Corresponds to field 3 50
Part Revision Corresponds to field 5 70
Document/Drawing Number Corresponds to field 6 512
Document/Drawing Revision Level Corresponds to field 7 512
Additional Changes Corresponds to field 8 150
Manufacturing Process Reference Corresponds to field 9 165
Supplier Code Corresponds to field 11 100
Reason for Partial FAI Corresponds to the "Reason for Partial FAI" field. 4000
Internal FAIR Number Corresponds to "Internal Fair Number" field 100
Net-Inspect Subassemblies/BOM    
Part Number (BOM) Corresponds to field 15 100
Part Name (BOM) Corresponds to field 16 250
Part Serial Number (BOM) Corresponds to field 17 50
Net-Inspect Form 3    
Characteristic tab    
Field Name Notes Number of Characters Net-Inspect allows
Character Number Corresponds to field 5 20
Inspection Operation Corresponds to field 5-Op# 32
Reference Location Corresponds to field 6 192
Bubble Number Corresponds to field 6-Bubble No. 8
Characteristic Designator Corresponds to field 7 100
GDT Callout Corresponds to field 8-GDT Callout 500
Actual Requirement Corresponds to field 8-Actual Requirement 250
Results Corresponds to field 9 20
Inspection Method Corresponds to field 10 80
Non-Conformance Number Corresponds to field 11 50
Comments Corresponds to the Comments Field 250
Custom Field Name Corresponds to field 14 header 30
Custom Field Value Corresponds to field 14 50