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How can I customize my Excel Template List?

Set up your Excel template list to reflect only the templates that you use.

By default, Ideagen Quality Control Professional ( InspectionXpert) will display the Excel templates that were stored in the "Templates" directory when the application was first installed:

You can remove the templates from the list that you don't use, so that you only see the ones you want. Here's how:

1) Select a template that you want to remove from the list, and select the "minus" button above the list:

excel list

2) Continue to remove templates from the list until you've removed the ones you don't want. Add new templates to the list using the "Plus" button.

3) Once you have the list set up the way you want, save it as a project template by selecting "File / Save As / Inspection Project Template":

Excel list 2

You can create a new project template, or overwrite an existing one.

Now, the next time you begin a new project using the saved project template, you'll see the list of Excel templates that you saved.

NOTE: This will only impact new projects going forward. Any older projects that you open will show the list of Excel templates that existed when the project was saved.